How to Upload Files From Server to S3 Bucket

In this article, you will learn how to move your uploaded files from the local or server to the Amazon S3 bucket group.

The code is bachelor on github Moving Uploaded Files To Amazon S3 Bucket . It is gratuitous for y'all to use or share with anyone.

Y'all will learn how to:

  1. Create Amazon S3 saucepan.
  2. Download AWS SDK for PHP to upload files.
  3. Cheque the upload with 1 file.
  4. Gear up the project epitome path for files stored in Local / Server / Domain Hosted Files

Step one – Create Amazon S3 saucepan.

First, log into your Amazon AWS business relationship. When you log in, you should be able to meet the AWS Management Console or click on Services at the peak left of the card equally shown below.

AWS Management Console | Search -> S3

From the image above equally you tin come across, you tin can search for S3 or if you scroll down a fleck, you should be able to run across Storage -> S3 click on it.

By default, you will exist able to run into the list of all your buckets here. Lets create a new Bucket by clicking the Create bucket push as shown in the image below:

S3 Buckets List | Create New S3 Bucket

Later on clicking the Create saucepan push button, you volition see the following form:

New S3 Bucket Creation Form

Bucket Name – Add together your project name or annihilation that reminds you of it.

Region – Select the region close to your service provider.

(Extremely of import) – Uncheck Block all public access – (Brand sure to uncheck this section if you want to upload images or whatever files you want to display publicly. If not, in the future when you want to get the Your file, y'all will get an error).

Select Have Terms

Click the Create bucket button.

NOTE: Be certain to download the CSV credentials file. Considering we volition use this information in Pace three

Tada! Your AWS S3 Saucepan is set.

Footstep 2 – Download AWS SDK for PHP to upload files.

Please create the projection where I want to use the AWS SDK. I am using Evidently PHP hither, but the code should yet exist the name in any framework like Laravel, Codeigniter, Symfony, …

The post-obit is my project directory construction. I installed the composer package. Don't worry, I'll show you how to run similar to the image below:

Project Folder Structure

Use the command beneath to install ddawtj AWS SDK.

And then you've completed one more step.

Step 3 – Check the upload with 1 file.

When I use Composer it will handle autoloading the classes for me, I have to call the autoload.php from the vendor every bit follows:

Annotation: Most of the explanations I will brand in code so yous can understand them very easily

While nosotros are creating the S3 bucket, make sure you have downloaded the credentials. You will demand it as below:

When you dump the $aws_object variable above to debug, yous should be able to see something similar to the post-obit output:

Observe the following paths from the code above ie:

Here I take hardcoded, in the adjacent step I will explicate how you tin set information technology up in a flexible way.

Step iv – Set the projection paradigm path for the files stored in Local / Server / Domain Hosted Files

You accept seen how hardcoded, you lot may have some scripts or something that will fetch all the same details from the database. We can practice the following.

In the above code, $upload_path I have shown ii examples you can choose the ane you want.



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