Oh No Not Again Beerfest Movie Scene

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Beerfest is a 2006 film from one-act troupe Broken Lizard. It'south probably best described equally an Affectionate Parody of sports movies that uses cultural and National Stereotypes to a ridiculous extent.

The plot of the movie revolves effectually brothers January and Todd Wolfhouse, whose German language granddad has only passed away. Charged with the task of bringing his ashes to the "family resting place" in Munich during Oktoberfest, they end up discovering Beerfest, a hole-and-corner cloak-and-dagger drinking contest. Beerfest is presided over by Baron Wolfgang von Wolfhausen, braumeister of the Von Wolfhausen brewery. He is furious at Jan and Todd'southward belatedly grandfather for purportedly stealing his family'due south beer recipe, "the greatest in all the world", calling him a "thieving stable boy" and "bastard son of a whore". Americans are banned from Beerfest, and as Jan and Todd try to state their right to be there, they are handily beaten in an inpromptu speed chug competition past the High german team. After suffering humiliation at the hands of the von Wolfhausens, they return abode with the intent to return to Beerfest with the first American team--and kick the Germans' asses.

Each squad consists of five players representing their country. Events include:

  • Book Chugging — Exactly What It Says on the Tin; roughly a gallon of beer, whoever could chug it the fastest wins.
  • Trick Quarters — 1 team does a fancy money-bouncing flim-flam, then the other team has to match and pinnacle it. If the other team fails to do so, they win.
  • Long Distance Quarters — Bouncing a quarter into a bucket from at least ten meters out. Whoever makes the longest shot wins.
  • Monkey Chug — Ane player from each team hangs upside downwards and chugs a beer. Whoever finishes first wins.
  • Long Pour — Ane player stands on a tall staircase and pours a pitcher of beer down on a teammate. Get-go to stop the beer wins (splashing the beer gets y'all disqualified).
  • Bat Spin — Spinning around in identify, then racing to a single beer on a tabular array; whoever gets there and chugs it down wins.
  • Beer Pong (Us variant; AKA Beirut) — Throwing ping-pong balls at a rack of vi glasses of beer. Each throw into the other team's glass removes it, and makes them drink. Whoever clears their side start wins.
  • Beer Pong (Int'50 variant) — Table Tennis, with two beers on each corner. Get-go to a sure score wins.
  • Turbo Quarters — While chugging, each team bounces as many quarters into a drinking glass as possible. Whichever team bounces the near wins.
  • Depth Charge — Players must accept turns to pour some of their ain beer into a small-scale glass floating in a much larger corporeality of beer. Then await a few seconds for the adjacent role player to repeat this. Whoever makes the glass sink to the lesser loses.
  • Thumper — "What are we playing?" "THUMPER!" "Why practise we play it?" "TO GET FUCKED UP!" One role player performs his/her own paw gesture, immediately followed by the gesture of whatever other thespian. This histrion then performs his/her own gesture followed by another players, etc.. and so on. When a cue is missed or when someone responds also slowly, the "violator" must drink.
  • Line Chugging / Das Boot — All five players chug in succession, with the 5th member taking the oversized Kicking drinking glass. Whoever finishes first wins (a squad that spills any amount of beer loses).

Tropes used in Beerfest include:

  • Histrion Innuendo: Businesswoman von Wolfhausen (Jurgen Prochnow) had a bad experience on a U-Boat.
  • The Alcoholic: Virtually everybody in this movie. The film even opens with a disclaimer warning the viewer non to attempt to potable like the characters.


"...If you endeavour to drink the amount of beer the characters exercise in this film, YOU WILL DIE."


  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: The Disaster Dominoes turns the entire oversupply against them when a little boy on stage is injured and started crying.
  • Avengers Assemble: Putting the American team together.
  • Fill-in Twin: Landfill's twin brother, Gil, who ends up getting Landfill's nickname, his spot on the team...and even his wife.
  • Bait and Switch: The plans for the Wolfhausen recipe are stolen by Cherry-red, only information technology turns out that she just stole a prototypical recipe for "a new depression-carb strawberry ale. Information technology's... okay."
  • Berserk Button: A badly timed insult from the German language team during the final insult untaps some epic "Jew Rage".
    • "I happen to have MARRIED that plastic fuck doll!"
  • Large Game: Beerfest itself.
  • Butt Monkey: Fink.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Johann Wolfhouse'southward beloved doll Popo, which turns out to be the hiding identify for the von Wolfhausen beer recipe.
  • Congruent Memory: Fink'south theory of "Drunken Recall", which is used on Todd (by having him chug an entire bottle of Goldschläger generic gold-flecked liqueur) and so that they can detect the archway to Beerfest.
  • Cruel and Unusual Decease: Cherry pushes Landfill into a vat of beer, where he ultimately drowns.
  • Culture Equals Costume: every unmarried team at Beerfest. The German squad wears lederhosen, the Mexican team clothes like ranch hands, and the Swedesh team is made upward entirely of hot blonde women wearing ski vests.
    • Fink during the form of the unabridged film (with his ever-changing wardrobe of yarmulkes).
  • David Versus Goliath
  • Deus Ex Machina: How they replace Landfill later he is murdered - he just happens to have a twin brother who is better than him at everything, including drinking and sex activity.
  • Disaster Dominoes: Jan and Todd'southward initial arrival to Oktoberfest.
  • Don't Try This At Home: The start of the movie warns of overdrinking and not to recreate what the actors are doing. Indeed, most of the "beer" in the film was non-alcholic.
  • Double Entendre: GamGam gets a lot of these after Wolfgang tells the boys she was a whore.
  • Drunken Main: Barry is much better at drinking games when drunkard
  • Hawkeye Land: And so, so much.
  • Eureka Moment: Fink discovers the undercover to beating the Boot at a bathroom urinal.
  • Fake German: The 3 von Wolfhausen boys (all Americans) too as the emcee (British).
  • Fallen-On-Difficult-Times Task: Landfill runs a carnival booth now. And Barry? "It's $10 for a BJ, $12 for an HJ, $fifteen for a ZJ..."
  • Fanservice Actress: At Oktoberfest when a bar fight causes a guy to sideslip and take hold of onto the tube meridian of the nearest girl. Newly stripped girl slips herself, grabs onto the tops of two other girls, and strips them. And and then those ii girls slip, and pull downwardly the tops of the 3 girls backside them. A chain reaction of 6 uncredited topless blonde Fanservice Extras that has the men at Oktoberfest—as well as the male audience—cheering at each stage. Pure Fan Service all the manner.
    • This is past far the virtually likely scene in this motion-picture show to make female viewers roll their optics and lament that All Men Are Perverts.
  • Freestate Amsterdam
  • Hooker with a Heart of Golden: GamGam is a very sweet old lady who was a prostitute in her youth.
  • Hypocritical Sense of humour: Landfill, who is said to accept converted to Islam while in jail, regularly imbibes alcohol and ingests pork products. Maybe he'due south just not that devout.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: "Nosotros're not that drunk."
  • I Never...
  • I Was Quite a Looker: GamGam, who was a beautiful young Bavarian whore.
  • Killed Off for Existent: Landfill
  • Phenomenon Rally
  • Noodle Incident: A lot of them, including the Z-job (if you lot have to ask, yous can't afford it).
  • Oh, No, Not Once again: When Barry wakes up in the field. Naked. With blood on his lips. Next to an eviscerated deer.
  • Oktoberfest
  • Opposing Sports Team: The Germans.
  • Plot Hole: Never during any of the Das Kicking challenges are the Germans seen having to turn the boot at the right moment.
    • Fridge Brilliance: Of course not. It's supposed to be the trick the American team figures out to become an edge over them.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: The American team. Oh so much.
    • To give you an idea, one of their members is a homeless male prostitute.
  • Rated "Thousand" for Manly
  • Sequel Hook: Willie Nelson invites the guys to be his teammates at "Pot Fest".
  • Serious Business: Those who don't obey the rules of Beerfest tend to go shot.
  • Shoot the Messenger: Upon learning that the Americans know the recipe to their beer, Baron von Wolfhausen orders the commitment boy to be disposed of immediately. The grandsons shove hoses down his throat, in his ears, and upward his nose, and tap the keg.
  • Shout-Out: Businesswoman von Wolfhausen had a bad experience on a U-Gunkhole once.
    • Not to mention the "Das Boot" competition itself.
    • There are too a number of veiled or non-so-veiled references to lines from Super Troopers, unremarkably delivered by the same actor. The about obvious is probably Landfill asking for "six Schnitzes."
    • The "Yous practice not talk well-nigh Beerfest" rule is also a shout-out to Fight Order.
  • Stealth Pun: Schnitzengiggle, the Wolfhouses' restaurant and beer.
  • A Tankard of Moose Urine: The American team desensitizes their gustatory modality buds via bodily ram's piss.
  • Tar and Feathers: Cloris Leachman'south character and her son are tarred and feathered in turn of the century Frg.
  • Theme Naming: Hammacher and Schlemmer, named after a Sharper Image-type shop that deals in high-terminate gadgetry.
  • Training from Hell: Par for the course for the Germans, but then self-inflicted past the new Team USA.
    • How intense could information technology be? They drank ram's piss.
  • TV Genius: Fink, who goes so far as to develop a scientific approach to drinking.
    • All There in the Manual: The segment explaining "Fink'due south Position", used past all of the American team during the final line chug, didn't brand information technology into the final cut of the film. It'south included as a deleted scene on the DVD, withal.
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Landfill, despite being an overweight competitive eater, has a very attractive wife.
  • Underdogs Never Lose
  • The Unintelligible: The English team (not British, every bit there's a separate Scottish team) is painted this way, with their employ of Cockney rhyming slang. If you lot really know Cockney, however, you lot tin understand them perfectly.
    • So what did they say?
  • Wild Teen Party: The American squad attends one of these to brush upwardly on their drinking game skills.
  • You Have Failed Me...: The Baron has Cherry-red executed when it'south revealed that she stole the incorrect beer recipe.


Source: https://tropedia.fandom.com/wiki/Beerfest

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